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800 children participate in the “Summer Holidays23” of Albufeira Municipality

800 children participate in the “Summer Holidays23” of Albufeira Municipality

The project “Summer Holidays23”, promoted by the Municipality of Albufeira, is an initiative that aims to respond to parents and guardians of children attending the 1st cycle of basic education in the municipality who are working and have no one to leave their children with.

The project, which has been held for several years in the county, aims, according to the municipality, to provide children the opportunity to socialize and discover new experiences and experiences, “allowing them to enrich relationships with others in an informal way, as well as experience new recreational and sports activities.

“In this way they develop healthy habits, being guaranteed the attention they need, while staying active, not forgetting the safety issues”, says the Mayor of Albufeira. “We believe that these less formal experiences enhance the development of human capabilities of children, making them more sensitive, critical, interpretive, communicative, imaginative and more attentive to everything around them”, says José Carlos Rolo who considers the project “a fundamental service that the municipality provides to the community, given the seasonality characteristic of the county, during the summer months, particularly between July 10 and September 1”.

The activities take place at EB2,3 Dr. Francisco Cabrita, in 4 distinct periods: 1st period – July 10 to 21| 2nd period – July 24 to August 4| 3rd period – August 7 to 18| 4th period – August 21 to September 1.

The children, accompanied by a coach and two monitors, are organized in groups of 25 and have available, during the morning, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., several sports activities such as swimming; water activities; soccer; basketball; athletics; badminton; hip hop; capoeira; rhythm; stand up paddle; surfing; happy yoga; acrobatic gymnastics; karate, and cross fit kids.

In the afternoon, from 2pm to 5pm, there are visits to the Cerro d`Ouro Educational Center and the Albufeira Traffic School, water games, cooking, magic, environmental education activities, cinema, and many more activities.

This year the Summer Holidays respond to a total of 800 children, and only during the first and second period will participate in activities 700 children simultaneously, and during the month of August more than double the number of children compared to previous editions, says the municipality in a press release.

For more information, contact: 289 599 691| 289 599 684| 289 598 687, between 9:30am and 3pm.

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