The bank led by Miguel Maya updated the remuneration of deposits last Friday and now offers 3% in the third year of a deposit with the same duration, although the minimum amount of constitution is 50 thousand euros.
The BCP began last Friday to pay higher interest on term deposits. The bank led by Miguel Maya and that presents this Monday results also increased the offer in these financial instruments.
The institution thus joins Santander, Caixa Geral de Depósitos, Novo Banco, Montepio and BPI, which have announced higher remuneration on the money stopped at the bank in recent weeks.
The most attractive offer of the institution, despite the minimum amount of 50 thousand euros, is the three-year deposit, which pays 0.5% in the first year, 1% in the second and 3% in the third, resulting in an average TANB of 1.5%.
The bank also offers the Millenium deposit, with a minimum amount of one thousand euros, whose semi-annual remuneration increases until the three years, with the highest amount to be paid is 1% in the second half of the last year.
Also in the term deposits, the institution offers the “APP deposit” for 180 or 360 days, which pays 0.5% or 1%, respectively, and requires a minimum amount of 500 euros.
Both the Millennium Deposit and the APP Deposit are automatically renewable.
BCP joins the other five major banks in offering a higher remuneration for customer savings left idle in banks. Until now, it was the smaller banks that offered the most attractive deposits, but now the largest institutions are starting to come to the fore.