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Church robbed and 7,000 euros and sacred art taken

Church robbed and 7,000 euros and sacred art taken

They took about 7 thousand euros from the Church of Nossa Senhora da Esperança, in Alpedriz, Alcobaça. Virgílio do Rocio, parish priest, said that everyone is “perplexed, bothered and even a little insecure”.

The outburst is made to Correio da Manhã, which adds that they also stole “a debit card, several checks and sacred art”.

The priest informed the community that, on the night of Thursday to Friday, that is, from August 10 to 11, “intruders cut the grille of a side window to access the safe” placed on the wall of the sacristy, which they broke into.

“The money the burglars took was a significant part of the proceeds of the St. Anthony festivities held in June. They also stole a box with a small amount that was to be used in a tribute to a deceased teacher, a crucifix, a reliquary and crowns of the statues of Our Lady, the Child Jesus and Saint Anthony,” the newspaper reports.

To escape they broke down a door. They left the safe broken, as well as the grille of the window through which they entered. The PJ is investigating the crime.

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