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Coldplay in Coimbra: How the school timetable will look like

Coldplay in Coimbra: How the school timetable will look like

The Coimbra City Council recalled today that there is no change in the functioning of schools during Wednesday and Thursday, days on which the British Coldplay play in the city.

“Given some published news that convey changes to the operation of public schools located within the security perimeter of the Coldplay concert, i.e., bounded by Avenida Fernando Namora, Rua Eng Jorge Anjinho, Rua do Brasil, Travessa dos Combatentes da Grande Guerra, Rua dos Combatentes da Grande Guerra, Rua General Humberto Delgado and Rua Infanta Dona Maria, the City Council (CM) of Coimbra reports that there is no change of operation in these establishments,” summarizes a press release.

The British band Coldplay will perform in Coimbra on Wednesday and Thursday, and also on Saturday and Sunday.

According to the City Hall, “tickets will also be provided for parents and guardians to take their children to kindergartens and elementary schools located within the perimeter.

Thus, explained the municipality, “the public schools that operate within the security perimeter of the Coldplay concert – Avelar Brotero Secondary School, Infanta D. Maria Secondary School, Eugénio de Castro Primary School, Solum Primary School, Solum Kindergarten and Solum South School Center – will operate within their regular school hours on May 17 and 18, Wednesday and Thursday.

“The private schools that operate within the security perimeter of the Coldplay concert – 1st and 2nd Kindergarten João de Deus School – will operate until 5:00 pm on May 17 and 18, Wednesday and Thursday, at the option of the board.

The Municipality of Coimbra also reported that the “movement of parents and guardians will be ensured to go take / pick up / their / their children / their educators to Kindergarten Solum, the Solum Basic School (Annexes), the Solum South School Center and the 1st and 2nd Kindergarten School João de Deus, drivers should carry any document in order to speed up the verification process and to avoid traffic accumulation (vehicle document, any personal document that includes the residence information from work, school, a simple invoice for water, gas, electricity, etc.)”.

“However, and given that it is expected affluence of traffic and some constraints in circulation, the Public Security Police (PSP) and the CM Coimbra appeal to parents and guardians to leave your car nearby and go on foot to the aforementioned school establishments. It should also be noted that will be ensured the circuits of the students / s / os with special health needs, and will continue to circulate the SMTUC network buses, cabs and TVDEs”.

The council also said that “all these decisions were considered, in close coordination, between the Municipality of Coimbra, the PSP, the directors of Avelar Brotero and Infanta D. Maria Secondary Schools and the Eugénio de Castro School Grouping, as well as representatives of the Parents Associations.

The municipality also recalled, in another statement, that there will be no change in the operation of catering and/or drinking establishments located within the security perimeter of the concert.

“In addition to being able to operate normally, without any changes to their terraces, establishments may also, if they wish, occupy the public space with a service counter directly to the outside.”

The City Council explained that “the food and beverage establishments operating within the Coldplay concert security perimeter will be able, between 00h00 on May 17 until the dissolution of the perimeter after the last concert on May 21, to operate normally without any restriction and without any implication on the terraces. Additionally, these establishments can still sell at the wicket”.

“In turn, in the same perimeter, it is forbidden to engage in the activity of peddling and catering and / or beverages of a non-sedentary character, by any means, including cars, trailers and the like, including the itinerant sale of balloons, chestnuts, popcorn, cotton candy and similar activities, as well as articles corresponding to festive seasons and articles produced by artists, including painters, craftsmen, sculptors and others who exercise activities of an eminently cultural character,” reiterated the municipality.

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