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Environment Commissioner says Portugal must improve recycling capacity

Environment Commissioner says Portugal must improve recycling capacity

The European Commissioner for the Environment, Oceans and Fisheries told the Portuguese Parliament today that Portugal should increase its recycling capacity and improve its waste management.

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Virginijus Sinkevicius spoke today at a joint parliamentary hearing of the Committee on European Affairs, the Committee on Environment and Energy and the Committee on Agriculture and Fisheries at the Portuguese Parliament in Lisbon.

“I really appreciate that you are working on a new circular economy plan. I advise you to do everything possible to increase this recycling capacity. I see that more efforts are needed to improve waste management and to make more use of circularity,” he said.

The Commissioner also said he hoped Portugal would support the Healthy Soils Law, which the EU executive plans to propose to protect this natural resource.

“In the coming months, we will propose a law on healthy soils so that this precious resource is protected in the same way as water and air. Portugal has been supportive of our previous efforts on soils and I sincerely hope that I can count on your support for these efforts,” he said.

Virginijus Sinkevicius pointed out that the proposal is part of the European Union’s aim to strengthen protection, which includes forest monitoring.

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