The extraordinary supplement that will be paid in October to the Portuguese with the lowest pensions will not be counted for the purposes of the Solidarity Supplement for the Elderly (CSI), the government clarified today.
“The extraordinary supplement is not counted for the purposes of the Solidarity Supplement for the Elderly,” reads today’s Council of Ministers communiqué.
The CSI is a monthly payment to elderly people on low incomes, aged equal to or over the normal age of access to the old-age pension under the general Social Security system.
The government approved today in the Council of Ministers the extraordinary supplement for pensioners with lower pensions, with an estimated cost of around 422 million euros.
For those with a pension of 509.26 euros, the support will be 200 euros. Pensioners with pensions between 509.27 euros and 1,018.52 euros will receive a supplement of 150 euros, while pensioners receiving between 1,1018.52 euros and 1,527.78 euros will receive an extra 100 euros.
The supplement will be paid “with the pensions for October 2024” and will cover “pensioners from Social Security, Caixa Geral de Aposentações (CGA) and the banking sector who receive an amount equal to or less than three times the Social Support Index (IAS) in force”, notes the executive.
Retired lawyers and solicitors registered with the Lawyers and Solicitors Pension Fund (CPAS) are not entitled to this extraordinary supplement, as they are outside the public system.
It should be noted that this is a supplement per pensioner and not per pension, so those who receive several pensions will see these amounts added together to determine whether or not they are entitled.