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Government maintains fuel support and continues unfreezing carbon tax

Government maintains fuel support and continues unfreezing carbon tax

Woman fueling car on gas station, fuel refill

The Government maintains the measures to mitigate the rise in fuel prices, extending to August the ISP discount in force, which translates into a discount of 13.1 cents per liter on diesel and 15.3 cents per liter on gasoline.

Today in a statement, the Ministry of Finance indicates that the Government continues the gradual unfreezing of the update of the addition on CO2 emissions (carbon tax) started in May, updating the rate by 2 cents on diesel and 1.8 cents on gasoline.

The Ministry of Finance adds that, taking into account the measures in force, “the reduction in the tax burden will be 23 cents per liter on diesel and 25 cents per liter on gasoline”.

“The measures adopted by the Government are aimed at environmental objectives and the gradual alignment of the weight of fuel taxes in Portugal with the Eurozone average,” he explains.

In the same note, the Ministry of Finance stresses that fuel consumption in the first six months of 2023 reached the record of the last decade, adding that road fuel consumption in June, the last month with published data, registered a growth of around 10% compared to the same period last year.

In addition, he adds, “fuel taxation in Portugal is below the weighted average for the Eurozone: 10% on diesel and 7% on gasoline (based on data from the Weekly Oil Bulletin produced by the European Commission)”.

As part of the measures to support the agricultural sector, the reduction of 6 cents per liter in the taxation of agricultural diesel remains, according to the Ministry of Finance, which recalls that the amount of the discount in the tax burden (ISP + VAT) must appear, in an updated and duly identified manner, in the respective invoices or equivalent document.

More expensive petrol and cheaper diesel in Portugal compared to EU average

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