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Music sales in Portugal totaled 36.5 ME last year

Music sales in Portugal totaled 36.5 ME last year

Music sales in Portugal totaled 36.5 million euros last year, which represents an increase of 17.4% over the previous year, the Phonographic Producers Rights Management Association (Audiogest) announced today.

In its annual report on the record market for 2023, released today, Audiogest points out that “in a year with significant results for the music industry, there was a consolidation of streaming services, which now account for 73% of total music sales in Portugal”.

For the association, “this growth not only underlines the importance of streaming platforms in music consumption and the way the public accesses and enjoys it, but also demonstrates the industry’s effective adaptation to them”.

Audiogest also points out that, last year, 61% of users of streaming platforms accessed them via paid subscriptions.

Last year, sales on the digital market increased by 25% compared to 2022, from 21.6 million euros to 27.1 million euros.

As far as the digital market is concerned, the vast majority of revenue (98%, corresponding to around 27 million euros) comes from streaming.

The remaining 2% of digital market revenues (corresponding to around 569,000 euros) relate to downloads in the mobile segment.

Last year, physical sales “remained stable”, with a variation of -0.9%, from 8.9 million euros in 2022 to 8.8 million euros last year.

Vinyl records accounted for 70% of physical sales last year (corresponding to six million euros).

According to Audiogest, “national artists have had a significant impact in the field of music sharing platforms”.

The Top 10 of last year’s streaming charts included four Portuguese songs: “Como tu”, by Bárbara Bandeira with Ivandro, “Chakras”, by Ivandro with Julinho KSD, “Casa”, by D.A.M.A. with Buba Espinho, and “Lua”, by Ivandro.

However, “the consumption of national music lags far behind that of most countries”.

Furthermore, says the association, “the growing popularity of national artists is not, however, paralleled in the Top Music Broadcast on Radio (weighted according to audience)”.

“It is hoped, however, that 2024 will bring changes in this area, since last September the Ministry of Culture, in response to long-standing demands from the sector, once again set the mandatory minimum quota of Portuguese music in the programming of radio broadcasting program services at 30%. This measure is a great incentive for national musicians and will be another contribution to the vitality of the music production sector in Portugal,” says Audiogest.

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