Évora: Patient found dead after waiting for hours in emergency room. Health professionals thought she had fallen asleep


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The long waiting times in the Emergency Room of the Evora Hospital and the lack of assistance to patients will have led to the death of a woman who health professionals thought had fallen asleep.

In recent days, urgent patients have spent at least a day and a night waiting to be seen, or 24 hours, leading to a death that could have been avoided.

“We had the sad scene of a lady dying in front of us,” a woman who accompanied her husband to the emergency room told CNN Portugal. “They thought the lady was asleep sitting on a chair and wanted to put her on a stretcher, but the lady was dead,” she added.

“I’m desperate,” said the woman, who said she had been waiting since the day before for her husband to be attended to, “with a pain he can’t move.”

For days, the situation has remained unchanged, according to companions who blame the poor functioning of the National Health Service (NHS), pointing to the high workload of nurses and doctors due to the lack of professionals.

Também as urgências de Pediatria estão com longas horas de espera neste hospital, informaram pais que estão há longas horas à espera que os seus filhos tenham algum tipo de assistência.

Até ao momento, hospital não prestou qualquer declaração em relação à morte da utente ou aos longos períodos de espera nas urgências.


Source By Beatriz Maio at 15:35, 2 Mar 2023 CNN Portugal + Multinews https://multinews.sapo.pt/noticias/evora-utente-encontrada-morta-apos-horas-de-espera-nas-urgencias-profissionais-de-saude-acharam-que-tinha-adormecido/

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