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PM welcomes PS’s “political responsibility” and will schedule “working meeting” with Pedro Nuno in due course

PM welcomes PS’s “political responsibility” and will schedule “working meeting” with Pedro Nuno in due course

The Prime Minister today welcomed the PS leader’s “exercise of political responsibility and commitment” and pledged to schedule “a working meeting in due course” on the enhancement of careers and salaries in the Public Administration.

“I would like to take this opportunity to let you know that we will be scheduling a working meeting on this subject in due course, which should take place following negotiations with the workers’ representative organizations. The time and manner of conducting these negotiations will obviously be defined by the government,” said Luís Montenegro, in his reply to the letter sent to him today by Pedro Nuno Santos, to which Lusa has had access.

The Prime Minister adds that, “not least because of the unsuccessful experience of recent governments in this area”, the PS Secretary General will know that these negotiations are “particularly complex”.

“Even so, the government is strongly committed to overcoming all the difficulties as quickly as possible,” he said.

In the letter, signed by Luís Montenegro and in which he bids farewell “with best regards and personal esteem”, the Prime Minister begins by acknowledging the letter sent today by Pedro Nuno Santos, considering that it “confirmed the Socialist Party’s public declaration of willingness to support the enhancement of the careers and salaries of public administration workers, especially those you mentioned.

“This is in line with the priorities set out in the election campaign and reaffirmed when the government I chair took office. The Socialist Party’s willingness to sign an agreement that safeguards the legislative solutions that implement these guidelines is an exercise in political responsibility and commitment that I welcome democratically,” he said.

The secretary-general of the PS, Pedro Nuno Santos, wrote to the prime minister today, offering to negotiate an agreement that would resolve the situation of certain professional groups in the public administration within 60 days.

In a letter addressed to Luís Montenegro, to which the Lusa news agency has had access, Pedro Nuno Santos adds that “the PS’s willingness for this agreement presupposes prior negotiation with the workers’ representative organizations”.

“I am sure that it will be possible to work towards this agreement within sixty days, in order to resolve the situation of these public administration professionals before the end of the Assembly of the Republic’s term in July this year,” reads the one-page letter, signed by Pedro Nuno Santos.

In the letter, the Socialist leader reiterates the PS’s interest in “working together with the government with the aim of building an agreement that will allow solutions to be found, if necessary in an amending budget, for a number of issues on which there is a broad political and party consensus, expressed during the electoral campaign for the last legislative elections”.

“We’re talking about enhancing the careers and salaries of public administration workers, especially health professionals (all of them, not just doctors), the security forces, bailiffs and teachers,” he said.

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