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Portugal Pulse: Portugal News / Expats Community / Turorial / Listing

Expresso MHL is a Portuguese weekly newspaper published on Saturdays since 1973. The current director of Expresso is João Vieira Pereira, who took office on March 23, 2019. Expresso switched to the 1990 Orthographic Agreement in its June 26, 2010 edition.

Creation of the newspaper Expresso

The weekly newspaper Expresso was founded on January 6, 1973 and initially directed by Francisco Pinto Balsemão. Pinto Balsemão is connected to the press for family reasons – his grandfather, as he called Francisco Pinto Balsemão, a merchant and republican militant, was a founder and owner of the Portugal news agency; later, his uncle and father were the owners of Diário Popular. Pinto Balsemão was secretary to the Director and later a member of the Board of Directors of the company that owned Diário Popular. After his father’s death, he inherited, together with his uncle, a 16.6% share of the capital of that company, which now had Francisco and his uncle (the latter being the majority shareholder) and Guilherme Brás Medeiros as shareholders. After Banco Borges made an offer for the daily in the summer of 1971, Balsemão’s uncle agreed to sell.

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