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PSD will reverse local accommodation measures “as soon as possible”

PSD will reverse local accommodation measures “as soon as possible”

Woman traveling in Evora, Portugal

The PSD assured the Association of Local Accommodation in Portugal today that it will revoke as soon as possible the measures contested by this sector in the Mais Habitação package, today in a final vote in parliament.

ALEP was heard today by the parliamentary committee that monitors Housing, in a hearing that no longer affects the approval in a final global vote of the Mais Habitação package, assured by the Socialist majority.

“To tell ALEP and all the associates and those who develop this local accommodation activity in the country not to give up, because the PSD will also not give up on all of you, on those who work in a legitimate way, as local accommodation holders do and that we will revoke, as soon as possible, these measures that will be approved today and that will certainly come into force”, said the social-democratic deputy Márcia Passos.

The MP considered that the Government’s measures for the local accommodation (AL) sector “were made with three strokes” and “without realizing at all what the impact of these measures is on the problems that the Government intended to solve, which were the problems of housing”.

The Government’s measures are “an unbridled attack” on LA, “completely disproportionate and without any justification”, with “attacks” from a technical, legal and legal point of view, he added.

Márcia Passos mainly criticized the extraordinary contribution of the LA, “which is nothing more than a penalty tax”, and the possibility of the activity of the LA being prevented by decision of condominium owners’ assemblies.

“How is it possible for a condominium resolution to revoke a license that is issued by a public entity?”, he questioned.

The final Mais Habitação bill will be approved by the Socialist majority, but without managing to eliminate criticism and controversy over some of the measures envisaged.

On February 16, the Council of Ministers approved a set of measures aimed at addressing the increasing difficulties of families in accessing or maintaining housing, in a context of accelerating interest rate increases, as well as rising rents and house prices.

Among what will be approved is the creation of an extraordinary contribution of 15% on LA in areas of greater urban pressure and housing shortage, justified by the need to compensate for the negative impact that this activity ends up generating.

The bill was approved in general on May 19, with the PS voting in favor, the PAN and Livre abstaining and the remaining parties voting against.

During the discussion and voting process, the PS vote was decisive, both in approving the Government’s proposal and in the amendments it tabled and in rejecting the amendments tabled by the opposition.

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