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Renting a house in the district of Porto costs an average of 1,415 euros

Renting a house in the district of Porto costs an average of 1,415 euros

Woman traveling in Porto city

Renting a house in the district of Porto costs, on average, 1,415 euros, according to a study by the Imovirtual portal consulted today by Lusa, which reveals a 31% differential between the desired values in demand and the respective offer.

“Renting a house costs an average of 1,415 euros, this being the second district in which there is a greater difference (31%) between the prices charged on the market and what people are really looking for (1,084 euros)”, can be read in the study consulted today by Lusa on data from the last three months.

Regarding the municipalities of the Porto district, the study of the Imovirtual portal reveals that “renting a house is more expensive in Vila Nova de Gaia, Porto and Matosinhos”, while “Amarante, Baião and Lousada are the cheapest municipalities for those who want to rent a house in the Porto district”.

On average, advertised rental values exceed €1,000 in the municipalities of Paços de Ferreira, Póvoa de Varzim, Gondomar, Maia, Vila do Conde, Paredes, Matosinhos, Vila Nova de Gaia, Santo Tirso and Porto.

The difference between demand and supply in rental is only greater in the district of Lisbon (62%) and the district of Faro comes in third place, with a differential of 27%.

“Aveiro (7%), Viana do Castelo (7%), Setúbal (8%) and Braga (9%) are the districts in which values are with the least difference”, highlights Imovirtual, also revealing that “Portalegre, Évora and Viseu are the only districts on the continent in which prices are balanced”.

As for the sale of housing, “the district of Porto is the second in the country in terms of demand, however, there is a gap similar to that of Lisbon (27%) between what is being sought (299,340 euros) and what is actually advertised (379,211 euros)”, on average.

As for the municipalities of the Porto district, “buying a house is more expensive in Vila Nova de Gaia, Porto and Matosinhos”, but “on the other hand, Paredes, Baião and Valongo are the cheapest municipalities for those who want to buy a house” in the district.

On average, the values announced exceed 300 thousand euros in the municipalities of Trofa, Maia, Penafiel, Póvoa de Varzim and Vila do Conde, and 400 thousand in Vila Nova de Gaia, Matosinhos and Porto.

At the national level, the price of houses is 72% higher than the amounts that people intend to pay, since according to the data collected by Imovirtual in the last three months, “buying a house costs an average of 414,928 euros, with people searching for houses worth an average of 241,082 euros”.

“Vila Real (42%), Viseu (36%), Viana do Castelo (28%), Aveiro (28%) and Leiria (28%) are the districts with the greatest discrepancy between the prices announced on the market and the values sought by users”, the study also states.

In Faro (5%), Setúbal (5%), Beja (7%) and Bragança (-2%) prices are more balanced in the dynamics between demand and supply.

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