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Social Security registers in 2022 the largest surplus in more than a decade

Social Security registers in 2022 the largest surplus in more than a decade

Social Security recorded the largest budget surplus in more than a decade, reaching 4,059 million euros in 2022, an improvement of 1,711 million compared to 2021, advanced today the Public Finance Council (CFP).

The surplus was achieved in a year in which Social Security continued to be affected by the measures implemented in previous years due to the pandemic, as well as by the adoption of new support in the context of the geopolitical shock, says the CFP in the report on the budgetary evolution of Social Security and Caixa Geral de Aposentações (CGA) in 2022.

“The increase in effective revenue of 2,220 million euros contributed to this result, surpassing the increase in expenditure, which amounted to 508 million euros,” the report says.

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