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This year’s “A Solidarity Image” project supports the Artist’s House

This year’s “A Solidarity Image” project supports the Artist’s House

The seventh edition of the “Uma Imagem Solidária” initiative, to be held at the end of May and which brings together Portuguese photojournalists and photographers, will this year support Apoiarte – Casa do Artista, according to the project’s author, António Cotrim.

Created in 2017 by Lusa photojournalist António Cotrim, “Uma Imagem Solidária” consists of donating a photograph (measuring 30 x 40), which will then be purchased by the public, in exchange for a minimum donation of 20 euros. The donation then goes to an association, which varies from edition to edition.

The initiative will take place at the Portuguese Communications Foundation, like the others, at the end of May, but the date has not yet been set. The number of participants is not yet known.

“This year we’re going to support the artists, paying tribute to all those who, in the past, have made us laugh and cry, who have made us travel and dream. We’re going to say ‘thank you’ and show our appreciation for those who dedicate their lives to being part of our lives,” says the project’s organizers.

“It was with this aim in mind that ‘Imagem Solidária’ teamed up for its 7th edition with Apoiarte – Casa do Artista, whose mission is precisely to support and dignify those who work or have worked in the artistic and cultural sector,” he says.

The godfather/ambassador of this edition will be the actor and president of Casa do Artista, José Raposo.

This initiative is sponsored by the President of the Republic, the Lusa agency, the Portuguese Communications Foundation and Dell Technologies, Visapress, Colorfoto, FinePrint, TunetRadio, Guache Condomínios and Logotexto.

The organization says that, “in addition to contributing to a noble cause, this initiative promotes the art of photography and values the work of the photojournalists and photographers involved in the solidarity campaign”.

Last year’s donations went to an institution that supports disabled women who are victims of violence in Águeda, the CERCIAG Shelter.

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