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Toyota Caetano Portugal approves 15 ME bond issue

Toyota Caetano Portugal approves 15 ME bond issue

The meeting also approved the sale of two urban buildings, one in the municipality of Cascais, and another, called “Quinta do Peixoto”, in the municipality of Alenquer.

Toyota Caetano Portugal approved, at a general meeting, the issuance of a bond loan of 15 million euros, for a period of five years, carried out in two issues, was communicated yesterday to the market.

According to the information sent to the Portuguese Securities Market Commission (CMVM), the shareholders of Toyota Caetano Portugal approved the issuance of a bond loan in the global amount of 15 million euros, represented by 150 book-entry bonds, with a unit value of 100,000 euros, for a period of five years.

This loan will be realized in two bond issues, a first of €7.5 million, at the variable rate corresponding to the six-month Euribor plus 1.15%, “in which the payment of the principal will be made in full at the end of the term and the interest will be paid semi-annually and in arrears, and will be placed by private and direct subscription”.

The second issue, also worth €7.5 million, has a fixed rate to be determined, which will be set by reference to the swap rate for the term of the issue, plus 1.15%. In this case, the principal will be paid at the end of the term and the interest will be paid semi-annually and in arrears, “and will be placed by private and direct subscription”.

At this Tuesday’s meeting, the sale of two urban buildings was also approved, one in Rua Manuel Henriques, municipality of Cascais, and another, called “Quinta do Peixoto”, in Rua da Malaposta, municipality of Alenquer.

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