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Voices of Cor(p)o Metropolitano celebrate “April in September” at Coliseu do Porto

Voices of Cor(p)o Metropolitano celebrate “April in September” at Coliseu do Porto

The 400 voices of Cor(p)o Metropolitano, coming from the 17 municipalities of the Metropolitan Area of Porto, will come together on September 8, at the Coliseu do Porto, to premiere a show that celebrates April and freedom.

“Abril em Setembro”, conceived by the collaborative project Cor(p)o Metropolitano, aims to pay homage to the artists of April, radio and the role it played in the Revolution, based on its own repertoire and the April Songbook.

Cor(p)o Metropolitano is a polyphonic, inter-municipal choir made up of around 400 voices from the communities of the 17 municipalities of the Metropolitan Area of Porto (AMP). The show “Abril em Setembro” comes in the context of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of April 25, 1974.

The new Cor(p)o Metropolitano show is being rehearsed with “themes from the Songbook linked to the 25 April Revolution” and “original themes”, to be presented for the first time on 8 September at the Coliseu do Porto Ageas, under the theme “Liberdade, os artistas de Abril e a rádio”, a source from the organization told Lusa today.

“‘April in September’ is thus presented as a show celebrating Freedom, paying tribute to the artists who sang April and praising radio for its fundamental role in spreading the revolution of April 25, 1974,” reads the project’s press pack.

According to cultural programmer Mauro Rodrigues, responsible for the coordination and creative direction of the show, the four hundred voices will come together in an “ode to Freedom, in a unique show of celebration and homage to those who sang April and their unparalleled musical legacy, who made light of the darkness, wielding words, poetry and music as true weapons of victory”.

The show at the Coliseu do Porto will also be “a eulogy to radio, for its fundamental role in the Carnation Revolution as a space to listen and be listened to, without which no revolution can take root,” said Mauro Rodrigues.

The aim, he added, is “to sing April, to feel April, to do April, in April or in September, but always together, always,” he exclaimed.

The show is inspired by the principles of the Metropolitan Charter for Culture 2023-2028 and is part of the MATER 17 initiative, promoted by AMP.

The project aims to continue to “open up space in each municipality and in the metropolitan sphere for collaborative work between all those who want to be part of it: mayors, technicians, cultural agents and members of each community”, reads the initiative’s presentation dossier.

Cor(p)o Metropolitano made its debut in 2021 as a social and cultural construction project associated with artistic and musical practice.

The group, which is collaborative in nature, aims to network in order to promote the AMP’s identity and sense of belonging by involving its communities, presenting the result of 17 artistic residencies dedicated to a collective look at the material and immaterial heritage of its municipalities.

The debut of Cor(p)o Metropolitano took place in 2022, in Espinho, in a “travel show” about “paths that go from the mountains to the sea”. Last year, in Paredes, it premiered a new production, “inspired by the human body and a reflection on a creative process made up of many voices”.

“Abril em Setembro” takes to the stage of the Coliseu do Porto on September 8, Sunday, at 17:00. The show is free, but subject to collecting a ticket and the capacity of the room.

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