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Withholding tax for families with disabled dependents to be reduced

Withholding tax for families with disabled dependents to be reduced

The portion to be deducted from the IRS withholding tax of families where there are dependents with a degree of permanent disability equal to or greater than 60% will be reinforced, according to an order published today in Diário da República.

The new withholding tax regime, which began to be applied this month, already includes a portion to be deducted for families with dependents, with the amount taking into account the family profile and the existence or not of a disabled dependent, in order to adjust this monthly tax advance to the fixed deduction attributed to the dependent.

The order signed by the Secretary of State for Tax Affairs, Nuno Santos Félix, and published today, recalls that, in addition to that fixed deduction, “disabled dependents also benefit in particular from a deduction for education and rehabilitation expenses”, so the amount of deductions may be “significantly higher” in this case, depending on the expenses actually incurred.

To adjust the withholding to this reality, the order determines that the amount to be added to the portion to be deducted for each dependent with a degree of permanent disability equal to or greater than 60% may be increased up to three times in the case of unmarried and in the case of married, single holder or up to six times in the case of married, two holders.

The option for this multiplication factor must be communicated by taxpayers to the entity that processes their salary or pension “at a time prior to its payment or making available”.

“The amounts withheld in excess from holders with dependents with a permanent disability equal to or greater than 60%, resulting from the need to adapt to this order, may be refunded through the next withholding, without, however, exceeding the last annual withholding period”, also determines the order.

The overwithholding on salaries and pensions paid this month before the publication of this order can thus be refunded in August.

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