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“Historic mission” of the Arpão submarine is ending. “Heading to Lisbon!”

“Historic mission” of the Arpão submarine is ending. “Heading to Lisbon!”

The submarine has already left Casablanca, Morocco, and is due to arrive in Lisbon on Tuesday.

After about 120days of mission, the Portuguese submarine NRP Arpão is already on its way to Portugal. In fact, and according to the Portuguese Navy, the vessel has already left Casablanca, Morocco, and should arrive in Lisbon as early as Tuesday.

Arpão submarine “Heading to Lisbon!”

“And now it’s heading to Lisbon! The Arpão submarine has already left Casablanca and is now sailing towards Portugal, where it is expected to arrive at the Lisbon Naval Base, in Alfeite, next Tuesday, August 1st “, wrote the entity, on the social network Facebook.

He continued: “It will be the culmination of a historic mission that took the Navy submarine to the South Atlantic for the first time. Machines ahead, we are all waiting for you, guys. Best wishes for a good mission.”

It is recalled that the submarine departed on April 4 from the Lisbon Naval Base towards the longest South Atlantic voyage in its history, having passed through two continents and five countries, in a total of about 2,500 hours of navigation.

The challenge, which is part of the Open Sea Initiative 23.2, aimed to “develop bilateral and multilateral cooperation actions, and naval presence and diplomacy, namely, within the framework of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries, Coordinated Maritime Presences in the Gulf of Guinea and the 5+5 Defense Initiative, with Morocco”, in addition to contributing “to maritime security in an area of operations located in the South Atlantic Ocean, between the coast of Brazil and the West African Coast”.

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