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IPBeja guarantees placement of 324 new students and will provide 503 more beds

IPBeja guarantees placement of 324 new students and will provide 503 more beds

The Polytechnic Institute of Beja guaranteed the placement of 324 new students in the 1st phase of the national competition (CNA) for access and recalls that it will create an offer of “503 new beds” for students, it was announced today.

In a statement sent to the Lusa news agency, the Polytechnic Institute of Beja (IPBeja) said that these figures for the 1st phase of the CNA represent the filling of “63.3% of the 512 vacancies”.

“It should be noted very positively that six of these 15 degree courses filled all their places,” they add.

IPBeja is also committed to resolving the “serious problem” of student accommodation at national level, pointing out that the institution is going to create “503 new beds” for students.

“With funding from the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR), through the National Plan for Accommodation in Higher Education (PNAES), it will make a decisive contribution with the offer of 503 new beds, through the construction of a new residence that will join the existing residences, contributing to a differentiated offer,” the document reads.

In relation to the 1st phase of the CNA, IPBeja is pleased to have registered “a slight increase” in the number of candidates placed (six more) in all of its 15 degrees, “a positive variation of 1.9%” compared to the same phase of the competition in 2022.

The institution is also satisfied with the figures obtained in the context that, according to the statement issued by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education, at national level, the 49,438 new students now placed represent “a drop of 0.7%” in the number of candidates placed compared to the same phase of the national competition in 2022.

“These 324 new students will now join the candidates already placed on IPBeja’s degrees through the local competitions, namely the special competitions, the “competitions for degree holders, the competitions for holders of dual certification courses and specialized artistic courses and the competition for international students”, reads the document.

“In this way, the new students, between those entering through the CNA and those entering through the other regimes, allow IPBeja to face the next phases of the CNA with optimism,” they add.

IPBeja also stresses that “the entire community” of that institution is “prepared” to welcome the new students, and is focused on solving the problems that currently affect attending a higher education course, namely in terms of the social, cultural and sporting support made available to students.

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