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Porto metrobus work cuts lanes on Avenida Marechal Gomes da Costa for a month

Porto metrobus work cuts lanes on Avenida Marechal Gomes da Costa for a month

The works on the ‘metrobus’ of Porto will force, from Wednesday, the cutting of the left lanes on Avenida Marechal Gomes da Costa for a period of one month, Metro do Porto told Lusa today.

“The construction of the new metroBus line requires, as of August 16 [Wednesday], the conditioning of traffic on Avenida do Marechal Gomes da Costa for an extension of about 700 meters, between the intersection with Rua João de Barros and Praça do Império”, can be read in a note from Metro do Porto sent today to Lusa.

According to Metro do Porto, responsible for the work of the ‘metrobus’, “the left lanes on both sides of that avenue will be occupied, circulating in each direction by the right lane”.

“This constraint lasts approximately 30 days and aims to proceed with the installation of the new traffic light network and the placement of the new sidewalk”, says the company led by Tiago Braga.

Metro do Porto ensures that “there will be no work or affectation of the central green separator and it will continue to be possible to use the sidewalks during this intervention”, and “access to garages, houses and establishments will also always be available”, and “relocation of bus stops” is not foreseen.

“This intervention takes place at a time of school vacations, so the impact on traffic is less”, says Metro do Porto, also recalling that the central green corridor and the Portuguese sidewalk will be maintained in the current dimensions, “as well as the parking spaces available today”, 257.

The new Metro do Porto service will connect Casa da Música to Praça do Império (in 12 minutes) and Anémona (in 17) in June 2024, using hydrogen buses, circulating in a dedicated lane on Avenida da Boavista and coexisting with cars on Avenida Marechal Gomes da Costa.

The investment in the ‘metrobus’ is fully financed by the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR) and reaches 66 million euros, excluding VAT, and the works started at the end of January.

The Casa da Música, Guerra Junqueiro, Bessa, Pinheiro Manso, Serralves, João de Barros and Império stations are planned in the first service, and in the section to Matosinhos, Antunes Guimarães, Garcia de Orta, Nevogilde, Castelo do Queijo and Praça Cidade do Salvador (Anémona) are added.

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